Friday, July 30, 2004

Done Done Done

My paper is handed in, we had our final lecture (on Hope and Theodicy), and we did the class evaluations. The list of Books I Want to Read, and the list of Books I Probably Should Read are both significantly longer at the end of this three week class. Luckily, Walter Brueggemann's Old Tesatment Theology can be added to the list of Books I Have Read. The class was amazing, and I'd really recommned the Notre Dame summer session classes. Its a great format, we had great people in our class. Just a wonderful way to spend some time when you're homesick for some good academia. I did post my twelve theses over at my other page. Its not my best writing, but I had some fun fleshing out what I like to call "both/and theology", and played a bit with some Old Testament ethics. I'll share a couple of thoughts I'm excited about from my paper here, and y'all can feel free to browse the rest as you see fit:

paragraph #7 - The ethics of the Old Testament are available to us not just in what Israel says, but how Israel chooses to present their witness.

paragraph #11 - Feminist theologians should continue the task of casting light on the history of patriarchy in interpretation and doctrine, but our primary task should be articulating the truths we know of God, life and the world in our own ways and our own voices.

paragraph #5 - Hope is the binding verb for Israel, and that hope is grounded in YHWH’s abiding presence and continued action. Therefore, the primary verb for YHWH in relation to Israel is found in Exodus 3:14: “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM' ”.

Now.. Chicago, here I come!

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