Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Happy St. Pat's!

I've always liked St. Patrick's Day. When I was a kid, my parents would make us green "near-beer". Near-beer is actually really disgusting. You put about an inch or two of beer in a glass, and fill the rest with water. But, it was special and it was green, so I always drank it! Tonight there will be no green near-beer, but plenty of good music and good friends. St. Patrick's Day is also my in-laws wedding anniversary- they hit 30 years today. 30 years of marriage is some kind of miracle, and although I suppose it can't be attributed to St. Patrick directly, its nice to have a saint to associate with. So, enjoy the day- and while you're at it, say a prayer for peace, in Northern Ireland, around the world and in our lives.

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