Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Fourth Night Lullaby

After many days away, Luke and I have made it safely back to the Windy City. It was quite a trip - I am officially deaconated, we had lreunions with old friends - some we hadn't seen in five years or so, we had a lovely Christmas with our folks. Now we are back, and oiur apartment is the kind of disater zone you get when you leave town for 10 days and come home with more stuff than when you left. Its hard to get back into the habit of blogging (yeah, yeah... insert comment about my lack of habitual blogging here, Si). Anyway, Tripp has given me a nice intro - he's posting favorite Christmas carols. It is an "Hispanic folk song" (according to the Hymnal 1982, #113), and really a lullaby carol fitting for today's rememberance of the Holy Innocents.

Duérmete, Niño lindo,
en los brazos del amor
mientras que duerme y descansa
la pena de mi dolor

A la ru, a la mè, A la ru, a la mè
A la ru, a la mè, A la ru, a la mè

No temas al rey Herodes
que nada te ha de hacer
en los brazos de tu madre
y ahí nadie te ha de ofender.

A la ru, a la mè, A la ru, a la mè
A la ru, a la mè, A la ru, a la mè

Oh sleep now, holy baby,
with your head against my breast
Meanwhile the pangs of my sorrow
are soothed and put to rest

A la ru, a la mè, A la ru, a la mè
A la ru, a la mè, A la ru, a la mè

You need not fear King Herod
He will bring no harm to you
So rest in the arms of your mother
who sings you A la ru.

A la ru, a la mè, A la ru, a la mè
A la ru, a la mè, A la ru, a la mè

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A question:

Do you know the translation of "a la ru, a la me"?

Our community choir director has chosen this as one of our numbers, but is confused as to the correct translation of the above.