Tuesday, September 19, 2006


"The divine in me honors the divine in you" - or so I've been told.

Last night, I started yoga class again. Again might be a bit misleading, since the last time I went to yoga classes I still lived in Chicago and I only went spring term of my senior year. But even after only one class, I'm so happy to be doing this again.

Yoga is wonderful for impatient exercise types like me. I love that even in a one hour class, I can feel improvement in my postures - the fourth or fifth time around on a pose, and I remember how my hips are supposed to line up. I remember what it feels like to let my head and neck hang loosely, and to straighten my spine. These are good things to remember.

I also like being in yoga class because I like the instructors. Yoga teachers have a calm energy about them, as though nothing can phase them. Maybe they aren't like that outside of class - but to spend an hour a week with someone who seems so grounded certainly can't be bad for those of us who try to be grounded and non-anxious the rest of the time.

Of course, all this happiness may just be related to how much better my back feels today. Note to self: If you wish to keep picking up the godson-who-got-very-big-lateley, keep going to the yoga class.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

All The News There's Time To Print

Vacation is a wonderful thing - nothing bad to say there. Wine country, nephews, good friends, swimming pool, ice cream, meeting anew blog-o-sphere accquaintance IRL, cedar point, family game of Apples to Apples, and Michigan starting the season 2-0.

Coming back from vacation... well, lets just say thats more of a mixed bag, with entries on "both sides of the ledger", as our church musician would say.

    When I got home, Heather moved much closer to me!

    People at church missed me. More specifically, small people missed me. Thats just a good feeling, no matter how you slice it.

    Our bed is just so darn comfortable.

    Church school managed to start, despite all the tasks I didn't quite finish

    We ended up with enough acolytes on Sunday, despite the fact that I forgot to schedule any for this week

    The super awesome church secretary moved a piece of furniture out of my office while I was gone that was too heavy for me to move.

    LOST Season 2 came out on DVD, and we joined Netflix, for our procrastination pleasure

    Staying in other people's nicely painted homes has inspired us to re-do our living room - and visit the new IKEA in our state. (Technically, thats a "pro" for entertainment, a "con" for finanical.)


    I'm so behind on reading blogs that I have no idea whats going on with most people

    My "lets move to California" energy is running high again

    Or, even my "lets move back to Chicago" energy, for that matter

    Taking the last two weeks before church school starts as vacation isn't the brightest idea, if "church school administrator" is part of your job description

    Things that weren't done before you left - they don't magically get finished while you're gone.

I'd say the score is still in my favor. I hope your day is as blessed.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Football, Tripp-style

Its opening day of football season! As my best friend just put it "Its just like a holiday!"

So, we're watching the ESPN Gameday coverage, and they're hanging out on the campus of Georgia Tech for the GA Tech/Notre Dame game. Whatever campus the ESPN guys hang out on, there is always a mob scene of college students behind them waving signs and yelling and generally acting like college students. Occasionally, there are some clever signs.

Today's clever sign for the Georgia Tech game?

"Calvin. Defeating Catholics since 1509"